Sunday, November 05, 2006

New Scorers Training Up

Five new scorers are well on their way to earning their pencils after attending the IBL Scorers Association clinic last Tuesday night. It was great to see Leeanne, Rhonda, Mic St., Carolyn and Hollywood all roll up.

Dave revelled in the fact that it was the first time since kindergarten that nobody laughed when he got his favourite coloured pencils out to play with.

Judy from the Scorers association ran everybody there through their paces. No mucking about with Judy! Straight into the line-ups and then bang! The phantom game starts and strikes, balls, hits, walks, fly balls, pass balls and errors start flying thick and fast.

There was no time for idle chat as everyone had heads down and pencils breaking speed records as they raced across the pages. There were plenty of experienced scorers on hand to help out and the people new to scoring managed to get a bit of a feel for the friendly banter that goes on between scorers behind the back net in the "best seat in the house".

Mrs Hatts helped Dave, Michael and Carolyn without having a nervous breakdown (amazing!) while Stuey helped out Rhonda. Poor Leeanne had to suffer my help and deserves great praise for her calmness.

I'm sure that I speak for all of us in saying a big thank you to Ann for organising the night and to Judy for being a knowledgeable and patient "teacher". The time went very quickly and we all learnt a lot.

Looks like there will be five people that will be treated very well by the Warriors' playing roster next season.

That is, of course, unless those players are willing to rack up a heap of errors in their stats.


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