Presentation Night 2006 - Book Now !!
YES, the votes are in and counted for the most coveted annual award in the Warriors' Baseball Club. The "Spud Award" - for the best full swing bunt of the season has been recovered from last years winner Terry.
Hand me the envelope please?
"AND THE WINNER IS......................." - you'll have to attend to find out at our 2006 Presentation Night which will be held at the Sporties on Saturday night September 23rd.
We promise that we will do our best to not drag the awards presentations out this year. Co-organiser, MC and brilliant catcher Michael St John will make sure that we have time for socialising afterwards. Hopefully there will be a novel form of entertainment organised for all our amusement.
Cost of tickets for the evening will be $10 for players and $25 for non players. The commencing time is 7 for 7.30pm. and the presentations will commence promptly at 8.30 pm. Terry has organised a buffet meal so you should be able to pig out a bit. We welcome anybody to attend so bring your family, friends, neighbours and relos.
It would be preferable that we have final numbers in by Monday the 18th of September.
Please call Terry or Mic to book.